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Billing Jenga: Pulling Out the Right Codes Without Toppling the Tower

Jenga Billing

Precision is paramount, in the world of medical billing and coding. Each code represents a block in a complex tower of claims, and one misplaced or incorrectly removed code can cause the entire structure to come crashing down. This delicate balance is reminiscent of the popular game Jenga, where players must carefully extract blocks without compromising the stability of the tower.

Below, we’ll explore the nuances of medical billing and coding, drawing parallels to this challenging game and providing insights on how to master the art of “Billing Jenga.”

The Foundation: Understanding Medical Billing and Coding

Before we jump into the intricacies of our Billing Jenga tower, it’s crucial to understand the foundation upon which it’s built. Medical billing and coding is the process of translating healthcare diagnoses, procedures, medical equipment, and drugs into universal alphanumeric codes. These codes are then used to bill patients and third-party payers, such as insurance companies and government programs.

The two primary code sets used in this process are:

  1. International Classification of Diseases (ICD) – Currently in its 11th revision (ICD-11), this system is used to code and classify diagnoses, symptoms, and procedures.
  2. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) – Developed by the American Medical Association, CPT codes are used to describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services.

These code sets, along with others like Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) and Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG), form the blocks of our Billing Jenga tower.

Building the Tower: The Claims Process

Just as in Jenga, where players carefully stack blocks to create a sturdy tower, the medical billing process involves meticulously assembling codes to build a robust claim.

This process typically follows these steps:

  1. Patient Registration: Gathering essential patient information, including insurance details.
  2. Financial Responsibility: Determining who is responsible for paying the bill.
  3. Superbill Creation: Generating a report of all services provided to the patient.
  4. Claims Generation: Translating the superbill into a claim using the appropriate codes.
  5. Claims Transmission: Submitting the claim to the payer.
  6. Monitor Claim Adjudication: Tracking the claim as it’s processed by the payer.
  7. Statement Preparation: Creating a bill for the patient if there’s a remaining balance.
  8. Statement Follow-up: Ensuring the patient pays any outstanding balance.

Each of these steps represents a level in our Billing Jenga tower, with the codes serving as the individual blocks that hold everything together.

The Art of Code Selection: Choosing the Right Blocks

In Jenga, players must carefully select which block to remove, considering how it will affect the tower’s stability.

Similarly, medical coders must choose the most appropriate codes for each patient encounter, weighing various factors:


Just as removing a block from the middle of a Jenga tower is riskier than taking one from the top, selecting a general code when a more specific one is available can weaken the entire claim. For example, using a general code for diabetes (E11.9: Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications) when the patient has a specific complication like diabetic retinopathy (E11.311: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy) could lead to claim denials or underpayment.


The order of codes in a claim is crucial, much like the arrangement of blocks in a Jenga tower. The principal diagnosis should be listed first, followed by secondary diagnoses and complications. Incorrect sequencing can lead to denied claims or improper reimbursement.

Bundling and Unbundling

Some procedures naturally go together, like blocks in a Jenga tower that are difficult to separate. These are often “bundled” into a single code. Incorrectly separating these procedures (unbundling) or failing to bundle when appropriate can lead to claim denials or accusations of fraud.

Medical Necessity

Each code in the tower must be supported by proper documentation, just as each Jenga block must be properly placed to support the tower. Codes that aren’t supported by the documented medical necessity are like loose blocks that can easily topple the tower.

Common Pitfalls: Ways the Tower Can Fall

Even the most skilled Jenga players occasionally cause the tower to collapse. Similarly, even experienced medical billers and coders can encounter issues that cause claims to be denied.

Here are some common pitfalls:


This occurs when a provider bills for a more expensive service than what was actually performed. It’s like trying to replace a thin Jenga block with a thicker one – it doesn’t fit and can cause the whole structure to collapse.


The opposite of upcoding, downcoding involves billing for a less expensive service than what was provided. While this might seem less risky, like removing a thicker Jenga block and replacing it with a thinner one, it can still destabilize the tower by leading to lost revenue and potential compliance issues.

Incorrect Modifiers

Modifiers are used to provide additional information about a procedure or service. Using the wrong modifier, or failing to use one when needed, is like misaligning a Jenga block – it can cause instability in the claim.

Outdated Codes

Medical coding systems are regularly updated. Using outdated codes is like trying to play Jenga with blocks from a different set – they simply won’t fit properly in the tower.

Lack of Specificity

As mentioned earlier, using general codes when more specific ones are available is a common issue. It’s like using wider Jenga blocks when narrower, more precise ones are needed.

Tools of the Trade: Stabilizing the Tower

Jenga players might use a steady hand and keen eye to keep their tower stable, but medical billers and coders have a variety of tools at their disposal:

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

EHR systems often include built-in coding assistance, suggesting appropriate codes based on the documented patient encounter. This is like having a Jenga strategy guide that suggests which blocks are safe to remove.

Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC)

CAC software uses natural language processing to analyze clinical documentation and suggest appropriate codes. It’s like having a Jenga-playing robot that can calculate the structural integrity of the tower before each move.

Coding Manuals and Guidelines

Official coding manuals and guidelines from organizations like the American Medical Association and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are essential references. They’re the rulebooks of Billing Jenga, providing instructions on how to properly build and modify the tower.

Continuing Education

The world of medical billing and coding is constantly evolving, with new codes and guidelines introduced regularly. Continuing education is crucial for staying up-to-date, much like a Jenga player practicing with different tower configurations to improve their skills.

Strategies for Success: Mastering Billing Jenga

To excel at Billing Jenga, medical billers and coders can employ several strategies:

Thorough Documentation Review

Before selecting codes, review the entire patient record. This is like carefully examining the Jenga tower from all angles before deciding which block to remove.

Use of Combination Codes

When appropriate, use combination codes that describe multiple aspects of a condition or procedure. This is like finding a Jenga block that can replace two or more others, simplifying the tower’s structure.

Regular Audits

Conduct regular internal audits to identify coding patterns and potential issues. This is like practicing Jenga moves in a low-stakes environment to improve your technique.

Clear Communication

Maintain open lines of communication between coders, healthcare providers, and billing staff. This collaborative approach is like having a team of Jenga players working together, each offering their perspective on the best moves to make.

Embrace Technology

Utilize coding software and other technological tools to improve accuracy and efficiency. This is like using advanced Jenga tools and techniques to enhance your gameplay.

The Future of Billing Jenga: Emerging Trends and Technologies

As healthcare continues to evolve, so too does the game of Billing Jenga. Several trends are shaping the future of medical billing and coding:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to suggest accurate codes based on clinical documentation. This is like having an AI Jenga master that can predict the outcome of each move with incredible accuracy.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize medical billing by providing a secure, transparent system for tracking claims and payments. This could create a more stable Jenga tower, with each block (transaction) securely linked to the others.

Value-Based Care

As healthcare shifts towards value-based care models, coding will need to evolve to capture not just procedures and diagnoses, but also outcomes and quality metrics. This is like adding new types of blocks to our Jenga tower, creating more complex and nuanced structures.


The rapid growth of telehealth services, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, has introduced new coding challenges and opportunities. This is like learning to play Jenga in a new environment, with slightly different rules and considerations.

Summary: Balancing the Tower

In the high-stakes game of Billing Jenga, every move counts. Each code selected, each claim submitted, is like carefully manipulating a block in a towering structure of healthcare finance. One wrong move can send the entire system toppling, resulting in denied claims, lost revenue, compliance issues, and frustrated patients.

But with the right knowledge, tools, and strategies, medical billers and coders can master this complex game. By understanding the intricacies of code selection, staying up-to-date with industry changes, leveraging technology, and maintaining clear communication, these healthcare professionals can build and maintain stable, accurate billing structures.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the rules of Billing Jenga will undoubtedly change. New blocks will be added to the tower, representing emerging treatments, technologies, and payment models. The key to success will be adaptability – the ability to learn new rules, master new techniques, and continue building sturdy towers even as the game itself transforms.

In the end, the goal of Billing Jenga isn’t just to keep the tower standing – it’s to ensure that healthcare providers are fairly compensated for their services, that payers receive accurate claims, and that patients understand their financial responsibilities. By approaching medical billing and coding with the precision, strategy, and adaptability of a skilled Jenga player, we can create a healthcare billing system that stands tall and strong, block by carefully placed block.

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